Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday April 18 - Pedir & Servir + Chapter Vocab List

Today we went over the stem changing verbs pedir (to ask for, to order) and servir (to serve).

Here is the video explanation that we watched in class.

There will be weekly emails sent out every Monday morning with our class's weekly schedule.  If you'd like to be included on that email list please send a request to banmatson(at)gmail(dot)com and include the subject line "Spanish Weekly Updates".

This week's practice quiz will be given on Thursday (tomorrow) at the beginning of class.  Please study the following vocabulary list and verbs to get prepared for it! Watch for congnates here.  There are a few that should make remembering them easy.

And then there are the verbs from section 4.1 AND 4.2 
Review Pedir and Servir from the top of this post + almorzar (to eat luch), pensar (to think), preferir (to prefer), querer(to want /to love), encontrar (to find), and volver(to return to).

I'll see you in class tomorrow for the practice quiz. We'll plan on correcting it in class and depending on how we're feeling about the scores, we'll review and either do the real quiz Friday or at the latest Monday.    I apologize if any of you are feeling unprepared.  With this being my second day and losing a class period to parent teacher conferences, this week has felt very short!!  Study hard and we'll see how the practice quiz goes!  
-Maestra Matson

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