Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thurs April 24th & Fri April 25th - Los Numeros Ordinales y SER v. ESTAR y Comprehension

Today we learned ordinal numbers (numbers that describe what order a noun is in).

Things to remember
  • Ordinal numbers in both English and Spanish indicate position in a series or the order of items. (first, second, third, fourth, etc.)
  • Ordinal numbers MUST agree with number AND gender with the noun.
  • Ordinal numbers are placed BEFORE the noun.
  • Primero (first) and tercero (third) drop the 'o' before a masculine singular noun.
       'El piso' is singular & masculine:  El primer piso  El Segundo piso  El tercer piso
                                                              The first floor   The second floor The third floor

             ** remember the rule for dropping the 'o' at the end only applies to primero (first) y tercero (third), all other orndinal numbers that come before masculine singlur nouns keep the 'o' on the end.  
e.g. el segundo piso  (the second floor),  el quarto piso (the forth floor), el quinto piso(the fifth floor)
When describing a plural masculine noun their proper form is 'primeros'  or  'terceros'.

When ordinal numbers come before a feminine noun the o/os is replaced by an a/as.
The following examples show ordinal numbers before a singular and plural feminine nouns. 
la tarta-the cake
las letras- the letters

Let's say I'm choosing a birthday cake for my sister. 
Which one do I want?
la segunda tarta ('the second cake') 

If I want to review the first letters of the alphabet.....
las primeras letras del alfabeto en Español

Here is the ordinal numbers page from the textbook.
(click on it to make it bigger)

We reviewed SER v. ESTAR watching the following video.

Both worksheets from this week are due in class tomorrow. 
Please have them finish and ready to correct when you arrive in class!
-Maestra Matson

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday April 24th - Vocabulary Review

We are working hard to learn and remember the vocabulary from Unit 5!  Today we worked on our worksheets AND played 'Vivimos Aquí' bingo to really get those words learned!  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, study and learn the vocabulary.  Understanding test questions is key!! you can only guess so much!!   Here is another copy of the vocab list from the book!  We plan to finish up vocab tomorrow and move on to the next section.  (Click on the list to make it bigger!)


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday April 24 - Unit 5 Vivimos Aquí & Ecuador

Today we started Unidad 5 (Unit 5)
The country we are getting to know this unit is Ecuador. We looked at is location, that it is split into provinces, loves futbol (soccer), as well as learning the traditional costumes and hearing some music.

Today we also went over vocabulary for the home including rooms, furniture, and electronics.  Here is the vocabulary list from the book. (click on it to make it bigger)

Other photos to show and maybe help remember these terms are below.  Remember there are A LOT of cognates in this chapter.  Look for those words in context so they are easier to remember!
las casa - the house
el jardín- the garden
el patio - the patio (cognate)
el apartamento - the apartment (cognate)
la planta baja - the ground floor
el primer piso - the first floor

Subir - to go up
la escalera -the stair
el espejo - the mirror
el radio - the radio (cognate)
la cómoda - the dresser
el cuarto - the bedroom
las cortinas - the curtains
la lámpara - the lamp
la cama - the bed
la sala - the living room
el sillón - the armchair
el sofa - the sofa (cognate)
el televisor - television set
la alfombra - the rug
los videojuegos - the video games

 la cocina - the kitchen
el comedor - dining room

We handed out worksheet 5.1, started it in class and it is due tomorrow (Wed 4/25) Don't worry about doing section 6 on the back. We'll go over that tomorrow. 

Monday April 23 - Unit 4.2 Quiz!

Today we took the unit 4.2 quiz.  If you were not able to take the quiz or are required to re-take it please plan on Thursday April 24th during FLEX.   Also if you  have any missing assignments please get those turned in ASAP. 
-Maestra M